Here I am finally!!!
The other day I had left with the various points to be followed for the preparation of the reorganization of your wardrobe.
Now that you have everything you need to spend less fun part: the choice of garments to put away or thrown away.
Do you remember the scene in sex and the city in which Charry must move into the house purchased with Big and gets help of her friends in choosing clothes to take away, and which ones to throw those to be put in storage??
That is, if the stress from the nearest exchange wardrobe is too much for you, ask for help from your friends. Organized a kind of party ... a bit of music .. a bit of bubbly ... the tags for votes and ... As the games begin!
since we are going from winter to spring and summer of course this article will tend to give you advice on what to put on the clothes heavier .. but do not worry ... in six months we will meet here to talk about the change esthete / autumn winter: D
I would divide the clothes into seven categories:
1. Outerwear
2. Knitwear
3. Pants
4. Skirts
5. Dresses
6. Accessories
7. Shoes
So....let's go!
1. Outerwear
The outewears, which I would include Jackets, Parkas, Down Jackets, Coats, Furs, I recommend you take them in the laundry and then storing them hung in a closet, so that they do not rub, and inside nylon bags to protect them from dust.
2. Knitwear
We throw all those links that have those unsightly spots or dots ... who smells that despite the myriad washes you decide to go away ... and even those felted, with small little holes and any other knitted damaged or that we do not put more objectively.
Those who survive this stage, inside the boxes are reordered according to a criterion of minimum .. the choice between:
- Material
- Shape and length
- Color
- Other criteria you will then find that facilitate detailed mesh inside the box
3. Pants
Double check the pockets of pants before putting them in the boxes, then cut them in:
- Jeans
- Corduroy pants
- Leggings
- Tracksuits
- Other pants
4. Skirt / 5. Dresses
Both in terms of the skirts that the clothes I recommend you do not put them in the boxes, but to leave them hanging in a closet by putting one hand all the clothes and the other from the skirts ... maybe in chromatic order (this is a my little mania because I like to recreate many small rainbows in the closets heheh).
Put together hats, scarves and woolen gloves in a box other than fur and more delicate and if you have delicate hats and "precious" put them in the baggage containers so as to keep them "in shape".
7. Shoes
In case you do not have the most original boxes, sell on the market of transparent plastic boxes, the fate of bags where you can store in an orderly manner and without that you spoil your beloved shoes (Ikea has something for all taste).
To perfume boxes you can put a bit of cotton bags with dried lavender flowers (you can do it directly to you: D)
Now your wardrobe is ready to accommodate all your light dresses, your colorful top, your shorts .... in short, is neat and ready to face a new ripens in the sunshine of happiness...
...But I recommend some knit a little heavier always keep it in the closet that ... you never know!
Kiss Kiss
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